Our Little Family

The Humanity Experiment

Finding Your Inner Peace…

I found this blog after doing some research on positive energy. I have been finding myself becoming negative in the last few weeks and my beautiful girlfriend Olivia had a little attitude intervention with me. The info I found below to be very encouraging and if you find yourself in the same frame of mind then I suggest doing your own research with a open mind.  Happy reading and enjoy!

Written by: Sen – CalmDownMind.com

Every moment you have a choice – to be at peace or to be in resistance. When you are at peace you attract positive energy and when you resist you create negative vibes that reflect back on your being. It’s a simple choice and yet most people unconsciously choose to live in negativity.

It’s not your boss, colleagues, parents, ex or the traffic, but your own perception that creates stress and negative energy. Circumstances are neutral. You will generate positive vibes when your inner state is one of alignment and congruence, instead of being resistive.

Here are a few tips to attract positive energy by staying in touch with your inner peace and stillness.

Start Your Day With Meditation

Any form of meditation is helpful but it’s best to keep it simple. Just practice the meditation of becoming aware of your presence. You don’t have to sit in any strident posture, just relax and feel your consciousness or presence in the midst of the thoughts and emotions. This is a very powerful practice that creates a positive vibe throughout the body.

Treat Everyone the Way You Want to be Treated

A day is easily ruined when you start holding resentment against someone. Know that everything is oneness and though we appear as different forms, everything is the manifestation of the one true essence. When you see others as yourself you will not harbor negative feelings and in turn your attitude will attract positive energy from the people around you.

Let Go of Your Need to Control

Life is a flux and its nature is change. The more you resist the more you will suffer. Whenever you try to control a life situation, you will feel stressed out and this will generate a lot of negative energy. Just imagine life to be a raging river, does it serve any purpose to struggle? Wouldn’t it be much more relaxing and peaceful if you just let go and allow yourself to float with the flow? People who stay surrendered and relaxed generate a lot of positive energy and attract the grace of life.

See the Positive in Every Situation

Know that good and bad are just perceptions created in the conditioned mind. In reality every life situation is pure grace and is the manifestation of the one truth – call it god or spirit or energy. When you see every situation with this innocence, it will reveal its grace to you.

Visualize a Peaceful Life

Your mind might be addicted to negative thinking, most minds are. You will have to consciously break out of this addiction if you want to attract positive energy within you. Stay conscious and see your mind churning out fearful images. Stop thinking these thoughts and focus your attention on visualizing a peaceful flow of life. You will be amazed at the positive vibes you feel in your body.

Stop Worrying About the Future

Worry has not served any purpose to this date for anyone. Whatever has to happen will happen, there is nothing you will achieve by worrying about it. In fact what you worry about will not even happen most of the times. So why waste energy dwelling on worries? You are unconsciously creating a lot of negative energy inside you which is harmful to your whole being. Just plan practically and leave the rest to life.

Drop the Resentment Within

The past is past, it has no reality than as a memory trace. Can you live in such simplicity? After all if you don’t continuously think up a bad memory you will not feel any resentment within. So just learn to forgive and move on. There is a lot positive energy in the simple act of forgiveness.

Stay as the Presence Instead of the Ego

While interacting with people try to stay as the conscious presence instead of dwelling in your mind. Be the unconditioned presence, allowing people to talk or interact with you without taking offence or protecting opinions. People will get attracted to your calm nature as it radiates a lot of positive energy.

Look at the Nature

If you want to attract positive energy just look at the nature for a while. A tree or a flower, it just rests in stillness and moves with the wind. There is a peace that radiates from their being. This peace will ignite your own inner true nature of stillness.

Feel the Spaciousness in Your Body

Just close your eyes and try to feel your body from within. You will be surprised at the spaciousness of your body. It feels like a lot of empty space with a few sensations here and there. This inner body realization will free up any stored negative energy. After a few moments of inner body realization you will feel light and at ease.

These are some simple techniques to attract positive energy into your being. Remember that staying conscious and dwelling in presence is your true nature, and it’s always peaceful and radiant of positive energy.

Written by: Sen – CalmDownMind.com

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Desperately Seeking Help!

Who that is loved is poor? – Oscar Wilde 

Well, we are. We are a blended family of 6 ages 2, 4, 8 and 16. Although biased we know, they are beautiful, talented children who amazing prospect in this world. We are 29 and 36 with her being 7 years older and the former “babysitter”. Scandalous we know. Born and raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses we saw each other often until I went down the path of least resistance and we lost touch for many years, only to be reunited and discover so much about ourselves, our past and now our future. Our present however, although hopeful, is in need of divine intervention. Working in construction for the majority of his life a knee injury has left Kevin in need of a career change which has led him to pursue a talent and passion which for so long was stifled. It also requires establishment and dedication to make successful, which of course requires time, and money. I had a career for ten years that was lucrative and successful in the Spa industry which I was passionate about until I resigned due to unethical, inappropriate behavior from my superiors. Not having any recourse since the courts did not think the behavior was severe enough to be punishable left me as well searching for a new career. It also opened my eyes to the fact that it was a move I should have made a long time ago. It forced me to find my true passion. Which also requires time, and money. Working side jobs when we can and focusing our energy on our new endeavor with all of our heart and soul has left us financially struggling, down one vehicle and stuck between one door closing and the process of building a new one. This is our humanity experiment, this is our story.

We want to start off saying that this is not us feeling sorry for ourselves, a cry for pity or absolving ourselves of the responsibility of taking care of own lives. We are just asking for belief. Unable to turn to families we are seeking the support and faith from those that take the time to read our humble story and feel our passion, our belief for something bigger; the ability to make a difference. Born raised and excommunicated from a very rigid religion at young ages which has caused our families to have little or no contact with us we have had to learn the basic skills of life through self-reliance and experience. We have fallen and gotten back up only to fall again. Both possessing talents and gifts never encouraged we struggled through the mundane routine of structure and rules based on narrow minded imperfect men. We each always felt we possessed qualities and abilities to make a greater difference yet with inflicted limitations and then self-induced dysfunction those abilities were never fully realized. Reunited after 17 years we each finally found the person who was able to see those qualities and we began to find our purpose. We began to grown and learn lessons from each other, some the hard way and some that were vital to our mental health and needed for so long.

After losing our jobs that were considered successful and well paid for our area as well as our lack of schooling we knew that we had to create our own success now. We had to build our next door of opportunity. Kevin turned to the one thing he has forever had a passion for and decided to put it to something useful. The internet. Designing webpages since he was fourteen it only made sense to pursue this god given undeveloped talent. A web design, social media company specializing in clean, mobile ready sites. I supported his decision to leave his now limited career of the blue collar world and show his techie side. He will still throw on his Chippewas now then for me though which gets me every time. Anyway, things were fine for a while, I had my full time job and Kevin would work side jobs to earn some extra cash while he educated himself on things he didn’t know and sharpened the skills he did have. Leaving my job of ten years was unexpected and sudden. I was the manager of a well-known Spa that I brought it from a mere unprofitable amenity to the attached hotel to a prospering, thriving establishment. No longer able to work for a company who displayed gross amounts of hypocrisy and unethical behavior, after ten years of dedicated passionate service my time there was up, I had already done what I needed to do for those that needed me, and the Universe like it always does was sending me an invitation to move on and take a risk. Now what? The emotional grief I experienced was the same of when I was disfellowshipped from the Jehovah’s Witness organization. Since I left on less than desired terms in both instances, everything and most everyone I had known for a substantial amount of my life was removed as if they never existed.

After finding other mediocre employment that was “just a job” and realizing the gas I was spending to get there was more detrimental to our financial status than helpful. I needed my own door. After much brainstorming and tears I saw a light in the crack of a new door. Web pages. OK, I know here I am talking about passion and the universe and doing great things and we are going to offer you …webpages? Yes, and so much more. We live in an area that is some ways is so advanced, yet behind in so many others. We began to notice a need within our community that was hindering their progression and felt with our combined passions we could help our local community to unite, grow and prosper. Our goal is to help small businesses enhance their online presence; to rediscover their passion for what they do and educate people about that passion. To encourage businesses to unite together for a greater common goal and network with one another to boost local economy. To assist in marketing and branding and to help businesses see the value and importance in connecting with consumers through their online store fronts, to spread their message to a broader spectrum of people; to make a difference.

Now we understand, nothing comes easy and it is only through hard work and perseverance that you can truly be successful. We are ready to do the work, we want to do it. We have such a vision for the greater good and are spending countless hours researching small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and filling our toolbox with the tools needed to execute the plan. The only thing we are currently lacking is financial backing. We have no collateral for a loan, no family able to invest, and with 4 children to support and everyday expenses we barely make ends meet. Actually, the ends don’t meet at all, they are kind like the belt we have had for 10 years that as hard as you try and as many new notches you make, what you really need is a new belt. We believe all we need to make a difference is a push forward. The Spa industry is still my true passion and my dream is to have my own place to practice my true passion, my healing work which for so many years also was stifled. The sooner we can make our dreams a reality the sooner we can help others unlock their potential. We are both very intuitive, progressive people that are late bloomers due to the limitations our former religion and families had placed on us but realize our struggles and experiences have not been in vain, and we hope you believe.

❤ Olivia

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